Leg Up Solutions LLC

Leg Up Solutions, LLC is a consultancy dedicated to helping organizations realize enterprise excellence. The inspiration for Leg Up Solutions comes from a quote by Stephen Jay Gould, a Harvard professor and world-renowned evolutionary biologist: “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain, than I am in the certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in the cotton fields and sweatshops.” This translates exceptionally well to the Leg Up Solutions’ tagline “find the BRILLIANCE in your WORK FORCE” and motto “We don’t train people…We develop leaders you didn’t know you had.”
Leg Up Solutions’ style pulls enterprise excellence from the shop floor and into the workshop, study tour, or site visit, and delivers an unparalleled learning experience that anchors concepts through the power of experience and reflection. The process in each case is designed to challenge participants in an extremely safe learning environment.
Learn more at https://legup.solutions
Contact: Leg Up Solutions Info | hello@legup.solutions | +1.765.301.3366
Business Processes
Certified Workshop Facilitators

Curt Douma
Curt Douma has held various roles with increasing responsibility in both manufacturing and service industries. These roles included logistics, distribution, information technology, forecasting, business/data analysis, and operational excellence. Since 2006, Mr. Douma has ... Read More

Douglas Dawson
Douglas Dawson, founder and managing director of Leg Up Solutions®, graduated from the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, home of the Shingo Institute. He was a non-traditional, re-entry student who worked his way off the production floor and in... Read More