affiliate profile

Bruce Hamilton

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Master Trainer Examiner


(329 reviews)




USA Canada Australia/Oceania Europe


Discover Excellence Systems Design Cultural Enablers Continuous Improvement Enterprise Alignment Build Excellence

Industry Experience

Automotive Manufacturing Education Aviation & Aerospace Academic Agriculture Banking Chemical Computer & Electronics Construction Consulting Consumer Goods Defense Contractor Distribution Energy Engineering Entertainment Food & Beverages Gas & Oil Healthcare Provider Heavy Equipment Insurance Logistics Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul Maritime Media Medical Device Non-Profit Pharmaceutical Printing Pulp & Paper R&D Recognition/Awards Recreation Vehicles Solar & Wind Steel Textiles & Apparel Healthcare Government Financial Military Services Customer Relations Human Resources Operations Product/Service Development Quality Supply Management Support Leadership Packaging Mining Metals Petrochemicals Communications

Business Processes Experience

Operations R&D, Product/Service Development Supply Chain Leadership Marketing Quality Sales Other Manufacturing


Bruce Hamilton brings hands-on experience to GBMP as a manager, teacher, and change agent. He has spoken internationally on lean manufacturing, employee involvement, continuous improvement, and implementing change, and has contributed to numerous texts on reliable methods ranging from visual control to variety reduction. Prior to joining GBMP, Mr. Hamilton was general manager of United Electric Controls Company, a 1990 Shingo Prize recipient. He led efforts at United Electric to transform its production from a traditional batch factory to a single-piece flow environment that has become an international showcase. His expertise covers both the technical side of lean manufacturing and the equally important soft skills needed to engage and inspire employees and managers.