affiliate profile

Larry Anderson

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(547 reviews)






Discover Excellence Systems Design Cultural Enablers Continuous Improvement Enterprise Alignment Build Excellence

Industry Experience

Consulting Consumer Goods Healthcare Healthcare Provider Information (Software, Books, etc.) Educational Services Finance

Business Process Experience

Customer Relations Operations R&D, Product/Service Development Supply Chain Engineering Leadership Quality Manufacturing


Larry Anderson is a Bronze, Silver, and Gold certified lean practitioner (AME, Shingo, SME) with over 40 years of operational excellence experience. Mr. Anderson has a deep understanding of the Shingo Guiding Principles and application gained through a 20+ year association with the Shingo Model; 20+ site visit assessments, many as the senior examiner/team lead; numerous application desktop assessments; participation in the Shingo Publication Award review process; and assisting two recent Shingo Medallion recipients. Mr. Anderson is certified and competent in the facilitation of all Shingo workshops. He earned a BSME degree from Texas Tech University and is a registered professional engineer. Mr. Anderson has also served as a Shingo representative on the lean certification oversight and appeals committee, as the president of the AME Southwest region, and as the VP of programs for AME.